The ball can be carried in the hand for a distance of four steps and can be kicked or "hand-passed", a striking motion with the hand or fist. After every four steps the ball must be either bounced or "solo-ed", an action of dropping the ball onto the foot and kicking it back into the hand. You may not bounce the ball twice in a row. Players may contest for the ball by playing it with the hand or by shoulder charging an opponent side-to-side. VIA: GAA
Roc City Gaelic is proud to field teams for both Men's and Ladie's Gaelic Football. While the games are fairly similar, there are a few key differences in the style, but not the spirit of the play on the pitch.
According to the USGAA, the rule differences are as follows:
A player may pick the ball up directly from the ground, so long as she is standing
Most matches last 60 minutes; in men’s senior inter-county football, games last 70 minutes
Kickouts may be taken from the hand
A countdown clock with siren is used if available; in the men’s game, the referee decides the end of the game
All deliberate bodily contact is forbidden except when “shadowing” an opponent, competing to catch the ball, or blocking the delivery of the ball
A smaller size 4 gaelic ball is used compared to the size 5 ball used in the men’s game.